First Post
Hi there, exciting times ahead...
We've been rather busy recently making all the preparations for our new online store launch, which is extremely exciting. Please give us your feedback on the store, good or bad - we're building it for our customers, not ourselves.
We'll also be expanding the current handmade ceramic jewellery collections to include both rings and bracelets. Katy is also busy designing a series of new collections, so please continue to check our store on a regular basis. You'll learn about them first through our mail notifications - if you haven't yet registered, do so now at the bottom of this page.
We're trying to keep our delivery charges as low as possible - you can order up to 4 items of jewellery for just £1.95, and from 5 to 20 items for £3.95.
Also, keep your eye on our Twitter and Facebook pages, as they'll be regularly updated with both upcoming designs and collections - plus news of where Katy will be exhibiting in the flesh!
Many thanks for getting involved and reading our first blog, we hope you'll stay with us on our journey.
Katy and team