2020 Overview
Well, it would seem that I avoided writing about 2020 altogether! A year of Covid-19, lockdowns, cancelled shows, closed shops and galleries and, as for so many creative businesses, a very difficult year all round- heart-breaking.

The only show I took part in last year was the rescheduled Potfest in the Pens in Penrith, moved from its usual end of July date to the end of October. What a show it was! Very well organised (as ever) with one way systems, sanitiser at every turn, face masks and spaces between the stall holders. It might have been colder than usual as the Cumbrian weather wasn’t exactly kind to us that weekend. However, as one of my customers commented, it was wonderful to be surrounded by creativity after months of lockdown restrictions.
As for 2021 - it is looking much more positive! A successful roll out of the vaccine will hopefully mean a cautious return to a more normal way of life. A date for the opening of shops and galleries across the country is in place and it’s fantastic to have dates in the diary for forthcoming summer shows. We also have a new business in Spain that will be up and running soon helping non residents pay their annual tax https://www.spanishhomeownertax.com/ In the meantime, keep smiling and stay safe,
Love Katy x